[screening] unter der haut | what’s between us – BERLIN PREMIERE

Berlin premiere here: 16.11.15 | 22 Uhr | Kino International


Made some music for this…

Eröffnungsfilm der Solothurner Filmtage 2015:
Projektion am 22. Januar um 17h30 in der Reithalle
2. Projektion am Montag, 26.1. 17h30 im Konzertsaal
Kinostart Deutsche Schweiz
26. Februar 2015
Verleih: Xenix

Eröffnungsfilm der Solothurner Filmtage 2015:
Projektion am 22. Januar um 17h30 in der Reithalle
2. Projektion am Montag, 26.1. 17h30 im Konzertsaal

Kinostart Deutsche Schweiz
26. Februar 2015
Verleih: Xenix

Alice and Frank move to a new flat in the country with their children. As their day-to-day life takes its course, Alice notices that Frank is worried about something. He only opens up to her gradually and the more he reveals about himself, the less Alice wants to know about the truth.

This is the story of an intense, inescapable confrontation between two spouses, as hidden secrets progressively come to light. In simple, but emotionally dense scenes, the film follows the everyday life of a family, which – initially almost unnoticed – gradually comes apart at the seams as Alice and Frank slide into a deep crisis after 18 years of marriage. Over the period of a year, the film shows the characters with their wishes and limitations. Their helplessness when faced with a truth that throws their previous life into turmoil: Frank feels more and more attracted to a man.
For her debut feature, Claudia Lorenz has worked with a highly distinguished crew and cast. In addition to award-winning co-author Rolando Colla, with female lead Ursina Lardi (TRAUMLAND, AKTE GRÜNINGER, DER VERDINGBUB, DAS WEISSE BAND), male lead Dominique Jann (DIE STANDESBEAMTIN, LUFTBUSINESS) and supporting male Antonio Buil (MILKY WAY, OPERATION LIBERTAD, COEUR ANIMAL) no less than three winners of the Swiss Film Prize are involved.

Posted: December 11th, 2014
Categories: screening
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