[event] are you listening? – ARKAODA, BERLIN




For this debut in Arkaoda’s bar room, “Are You Listening?” welcomes three experimental performances by Joke Lanz, Bernd Schurer and Novo Line.
Laura Not, curator of the evening, will take care of the DJ decks in between and after the concerts. Sit back and let sound be your interlocutor.


Turntablist Joke Lanz creates autonomous sound-cells that melt into a language free of any function. He combines ritual reductionism with anarchistic playfulness, atmospheric soundscapes with cut-up noise and physicalness with unpredictability. Massive scratches, walls of sound, grooves, loops, noises and voice modulations!

He collaborated with: Shelley Hirsch, Christian Marclay, Olaf Rupp, Ken Vandermark, Lasse Marhaug, Jorge Sanchez-Chiong, Strotter Inst, Christian Weber, Charlotte Hug, Audrey Chen, Ute Wassermann, Peter Kowald, DJ Olive, Sophie Agnel, dieb13, eRikM, Martin Tétreault, Eklekto Ensemble, Alexandre Babel, Christian Wolfarth, Jonas Kocher, Mat Pogo, Kazuhisa Uchihashi, Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, just to name a few.

Best known for his international acclaimed Noise project ‘Sudden Infant’, Joke Lanz is presenting his work since more than 25 years all over the world. Born in Switzerland and currently operating out of Berlin, Joke Lanz is one of the most prolific and profound artists working in the border zones where performance and body art meet Improvisation and Noise.



Swiss-born german electronic music composer and sound artist Bernd Schurer investigates human perception of sound through a multitude of auditory perspectives, computational- and phenomenological methods. Based on foundations of the number as a common denominator of mathematics, sound, space and time, he explores extended techniques of perceptional possibilities via the means of digitally created sound-pieces and applied psychoacoustics.

In his recent work “debris (redux)”, elements of live-coding combine with pre-synthesized sound materials to create a dramatic sound-study that deals with the synchronisation and self-organisation of periodic processes, massive granular re-synthesis and some recurrent neural network experiments on raw audio (the original piece is from 1996).
He extensively exhibited and presented electro-acoustic works internationally on various scales, from micro-galleries to the Venice Biennial.



Jack Wolfskin FM is an Adventurer and Explorer, investigating the MIDI wilderness alone for months, uncovering the archaic MIDI preserved in Cambrian Limestone rock formations and 1980’s tech. His discoveries are often repurposed for danceable use by Novo Line, but on rare occasions he presents his findings at international noise conferences. sources missing.


Laura Not is an artist and sound-collagist. She hosts “(x)=musik”, a monthly thematic radio show on Lyl Radio, and curates an eclectic guest selection for “Sounds Unsaid” on dublab.de.
Like in a collage made of unusually combined materials, her dj sets are the space in which sounds link together beyond the different stories they tell.


Posted: August 13th, 2019
Categories: computer music, event
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]Ç[ chroma


Posted: July 10th, 2019
Categories: Uncategorized
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[event] NNOI Festival, Nihil Unbound for a high seat – Brandenburg

a little piece for a high seat




Posted: July 3rd, 2019
Categories: event, theory
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[release] Enunciation 28:00:00

Enunciation 28:00:00 | Soliloquy Synthesis | [] Black Box





Posted: May 29th, 2019
Categories: computer music, release, Uncategorized
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[release] Enunciation 1:00:06


Posted: May 23rd, 2019
Categories: computer music, release, theory
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[event] a diminutive contingent grammatology | contingency test – noiseLAB, Teufelsberg, Berlin

playing the middle part of Contingency Test here:





Posted: May 23rd, 2019
Categories: computer music, event, release
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[event] reiheM – Martin Howse | Bernd Schurer – Stadtgarten, Cologne

22. Februar 2019
Fr / 20 h
Stadtgarten (Saal)
Venloerstr. 40, Köln
Eintritt 10/8 EUR

Martin Howse (London)
The Final Session [001]
Bernd Schurer (Berlin)
Lautaggregat Redux
[Quadrophonische Version]


„The Final Session is a performance for custom electronics, burning matter, temperature sensors, violet laser and minerals.“ Ausdünstungen, Dämpfe und Abgase von Industrieanlagen, Düfte verwesender Schlangen und brennender Wälder, schneidende Klänge und durchdringende Farben – Martin Howse entschlüsselt und übersetzt solche in Erde und Luft vorhandenen Signale in eine Abfolge von Aktionen, Beschwörungen und stoffliche Transmutationen. Dabei kommen selbst entwickelte Elektronik, Mineralien, Staub, rohe elektrochemische Prozesse, Glasmaschinen, Erde, Luft, Licht und elektrische Felder zum Einsatz.

Bernd Schurer, bekannt für radikale Computermusik, experimentiert in seinem Stück Lautaggregat Redux mit Resynthetisierungen von Abschnitten des Hörstücks Lautaggregat von Carlfriedrich Claus unter Verwendung der Waveset-Synthese. C. Claus (1930–1998) arbeitete über Jahrzehnte an einem individuellen, kompromisslosen Werk von Lautprozessen, Artikulationsexerzitien sowie an Formen konkreter und phonetischer Poesie. Schurer thematisiert in seinen Arbeiten insbesondere Wahrnehmungsaspekte des Hörens mittels digitaler Klangsyntheseverfahren.

reiheM wird veranstaltet von Mark e.V.

Posted: February 19th, 2019
Categories: computer music, event
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[event] Lautaggregat Redux at Schönegg Varieté | Zürich


Lautaggregat Redux (Quadophonic Version)

Electroacoustic Computer Music Diffusion

For Carlfriedrich Claus and Trevor Wishart, 2018

Computer based Waveset-Analysis, Decomposition, Re-synthesis and Re-Spatialization based on Ideas of Carlfreidrich Claus’ “Lautaggregat”, binaural Version, produced at WDR Studio Cologne 1993, originally re-synthesized for Radiophonic Spaces 2018 exhibition at HKW, Berlin.

Carlfriedrich Claus war ein deutscher avantgardistischer Künstler auf den Gebieten der Schriftgrafik, der Visuellen und Konkreten Poesie sowie der Lautpoesie. Er schuf ein Gesamtwerk von mehreren hundert Tonbandkassetten mit Artikulationen, Sprachblättern, Handzeichnungen, Büchern, Druckgrafiken, Briefen und anderem mehr. 

Seine Arbeiten hatten den Anspruch, den Rezipienten ganzheitlich zu fordern. Seine Arbeiten können stets als ein Selbstexperiment erfasst werden. Zu Beginn schrieb Claus konkrete Gedichte auf der Schreibmaschine. Diese Lyrik hatte u. a. Natur und Zeit zum Thema. Später werden die Motive „Klang“ und „Vibration“ wichtig und er schrieb mit der Hand. Claus Literatur ist experimentell und kann nicht einfach kategorisiert werden. Beim Anfertigen seiner „Sprachblätter“ oder auch „Vibrationstexte“ artikulierte er gleichzeitig, sodass es quasi ein Werk auf mehreren Ebenen darstellt. 

In Bernd Schurer’s Arbeit “Lautaggregat Redux” (bezogen auf die Originalaufnahmen eines 1993 beim WDR in Auftrag gegebenen radiophonen / räumlichen Hörstücks in Binauraltechnik) wird eine akustische Lupe aufgebaut, welche reziprok mit den Eigenheiten in der Sprache und den Lauten der Komposition mit erweiterten Methoden zu Analyse, Dekomposition und Resynthese des Stücks arbeitet. Weil teils Werke von Carlfriedrich Claus für den Rezipienten ohne Lupe kaum lesbar waren, weigerte er sich bis in die 1990er Jahre, seine Werke vergrößert ausstellen zu lassen. (source: WPD)

Schurer’s Arbeit vergrössert die Nuancen dieser Arbeit in der akustischen Ebene, in dem er die Originalaufnahmen mit Techniken der Analyse, den Wavesets (eine von Trevor Wishart vorgeschlagene Methode zur granularen Analyse bei Nulldurchgängen digitaler Audiodateien), deren Resynthese und neu geschaffener, quadrophonischer Verräumlichung anbietet und sie gleichzeitig in einem mikrosonischen Raum als eine eigene Variante des Selbstexperiments einer “komplizierten” auditorischen Artikulation aufführt.


Zürich, 7.1.2019, from 19h – Registration only _ Januarloch Festival







Posted: January 4th, 2019
Categories: computer music, event, Uncategorized
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[event] Radiophonic Spaces. Begehbares Radioarchiv | HKW Berlin


Radiophonic Spaces

Begehbares Radioarchiv und Bühne des Hör-Wissens
Do, 01. November 2018 — Mo, 10. Dezember 2018



Posted: October 31st, 2018
Categories: broadcast, event, theory
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[event] Jetsam by Laura Lot | Debris Redux by Bernd Schurer – micro galerie, Cologne

Laura Lot
8 – 10 Juni 2018

Eröffnung, Freitag 8. Juni, 19.00 Uhr
Finissage mit electro-acoustic diffusion “Debris Redux” von Bernd Schurer, Sonntag 10. Juni, 16.00 – 20.00 Uhr

Auf ihrer Suche nach Bildmaterial, bestehend aus verloren geglaubten Familienfotos und lange vergessenen Zeitungsausschnitten, imaginiert sich Laura Lot als eine Strandgutsammlerin, die im Gezeitensaum zufällig auf angeschwemmte Objekte trifft.

Diese Fundstücke sind “Jetsam” (Strandgut): weggeworfen, verloren, verlassen, begraben… durch die Verarbeitung in ihren Collagen haucht die Künstlerin diesen neues Leben ein und präsentiert das so entstandene Werk in ihrer Soloausstellung in der Micro Galerie in Köln.

Der zugrunde liegende künstlerische Prozess könnte als Suche im Geröll gedeutet werden – die gefundenen Überreste werden so zum Ausgangspunkt für neue schöpferische Ereignisse.


Posted: June 7th, 2018
Categories: computer music, event
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[event] Atomistic – Performance Elisa Storelli & Constantin Engelmann | Bernd Schurer – Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zürich

20. April, 20:30 Uhr

Atomistic – Performance
Elisa Storelli & Constantin Engelmann

Die audiovisuelle Performance der Tessiner Künstlerin Elisa Storelli dreht sich um Zeit und die Möglichkeiten ihrer Darstellung. Darin treten ihre zwei Werke “Time Piece” und “Neocortex” in einen Dialog.

Debris Redux (ANOTHER AUTOMATIC READING) (1997-2018)
Computer Music Performance von Bernd Schurer

Ein klangkünstlerisches Forschungsprojekt – Daten Sonifikation und Komposition zu Okumolotorik und spezifischen Varianten des Lesens unter Verwendung eines dafür komponierten Librettos, elektronischer Klangsynthese und Mehrkanal-Raumdiffusion.

Für Computer, Eye-Tracker, Performer(in) und Mehrkanal-Audiosystem


Posted: April 18th, 2018
Categories: code, event
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[broadcast] Sounds Unsaid – Berlin | Music by Bernd Schurer

2018/03/28 – Berlin | Music by Bernd Schurer


Posted: April 18th, 2018
Categories: broadcast, theory
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[event] KONTAKTE ’17 – Biennale für Elektroakustische Musik und Klangkunst – AdK Berlin

Share Control, Share Influence

Mittwoch, 27.9.2017, bis Freitag, 29.9.2017 (10 – 18 Uhr)
Samstag, 30.9.2017 (14 Uhr)

Im Fokus des viertägigen Workshops stehen die Möglichkeiten, welche die Programmiersprache SuperCollider für netzwerkbasierte gemeinsame Musikperformances bietet. Öffentliches Abschlusskonzert am Samstag, 30.9., 14 Uhr. Gäste, die sich in das Netzwerk einklinken wollen, sind herzlich willkommen!

Dozenten: Alberto de Campo, Fredrik Olofsson, Hannes Hoelzl, Alexandra Cardenas

Concert participation on 30.9.17 – 14h





Posted: September 7th, 2017
Categories: code, computer music, event
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[event] Automatic Reading (obfuscation) | xCoAx 2017 – Lisbon

Happy to announce that Titus von der Malsburg an myself  are part of this years’ xCoAx exhibition programme with our research piece Automatic Reading (obfuscation):


xCoAx is an exploration of the intersection where computational tools and media meet art and culture, in the form of a multi-disciplinary enquiry on aesthetics, computation, communication and the elusive X factor that connects them all.

Since 2013, xCoAx has been an occasion for international audiences to meet and exchange ideas, in search of interdisciplinary synergies among computer scientists, artists, media practitioners and theoreticians at the threshold of digital arts and culture.

The focus is on the unpredictable overlaps between the chaos and freedom of creativity and the rules and determinism of algorithms, between human nature and machine technology, with the aim to evolve towards new directions in aesthetics.

In 2017 xCoAx will take place for the first time in Lisbon, in and around the Faculty of Fine Arts, right in the heart of the city center in Chiado.

Bernd Schurer and Titus von der Malsburg Automatic Reading (Obfuscation)

During reading, we rapidly construct meaning from sequences of rather cryptic symbols. A multitude of processes are involved in making meaning happen, however, most of them are conveniently tucked away from the reader’s conscious experience allowing them to read effortlessly without having to worry about any of the practicalities such as where to place the gaze next and for how long. The present work reflects on the marvelous feat that is reading. In an experiment-like situation, we create a perceptual short-circuit that unlocks the otherwise unconcsious processes involved in reading. To this end, the test subject is exposed to a written libretto while a computer tracks their eye movements and translates them to sound in real time. The artistic implementation is based on parametric synthesis (“mapping”) and model-based sonification.

Supported by Pro Helvetia — Swiss Arts Council





<iframe style=”border: 0; width: 100%; height: 42px;” src=”https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=2925610535/size=small/bgcol=333333/linkcol=0f91ff/transparent=true/” seamless><a href=”http://schurer.bandcamp.com/album/automatic-reading-obfuscation”>Automatic Reading (Obfuscation) by Bernd Schurer | N.N.</a></iframe>

Posted: June 30th, 2017
Categories: code, computer music, event, show, theory
Comments: No Comments.

[release] Enunciation 1:08:19

Enunciation 1:08:19 – Soliloquy Synthesis (VI) – Black Box

For string instruments, modular synthesizer, digital delay, 2017 – Stereo Version

A Black Box in cybernetics denotes a complex system that in context can only be observed by outside observation. How to observe Solitude? A state of seclusion or isolation is the base of these revolving systems that understand archives of solitude to be records that have been generated as a product of negative effects in a symbolic sense.

Tom Withal, cello | Bernd Schurer, electronics

Listen | download here:


Posted: May 11th, 2017
Categories: computer music, release, Uncategorized
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[event] Concave Thoughts – Espace Diaphanes – Berlin

YVES NETZHAMMER: Concave Thoughts

A visual parcours with drawings and animations

BERND SCHURER: +3200 – A sonified reading (installation) & 32 Minutes of scattered pieces (live)

26.01.2017, 19:00

ESPACE DIAPHANES, Dresdener Str. 118, 10999 Berlin

Exhibition opening with book launch, video screening and miniature electroacoustic quadrophonic sound intervention by Bernd Schurer.

The exhibition focuses on Netzhammer’s recent book ‘Concave Thoughts. 357 Digital Drawings’, an artist’s book which exists in an edition of 32 varied front covers and with 3200 permuted sets on 32 printed sheets. The exhibition shows the book as an object, as a pocket universe for reflection, chuckling and musing, and will interrelate the book object with the artist’s animations.

Like Netzhammer’s work in general, the digital drawings shown in the book and in the exhibition, open up to a widely-ramified cosmos of poetic imagery by showing surreal constellations drawn with the utmost precision and clarity. Sometimes these drawings are near to total abstraction, sometimes playful, funny, and nightmarish at the same time. They mix different levels of reality by melding living creatures with machines, intertwining objects and animals, interlocking the human and the object, leading the viewer into the interplay of strangeness and identity, genesis, metamorphosis and resemblance. Last but not least the drawings uncover the contradictions of medially subverted authorship and subjectivity.

Exhibtion: Januar 27th to March 3rd

Regular Opening Hours:

Wed to Fri: 2pm to 6pm

Sat: 11 am to 4pm


The book:


More from Diaphanes:


Part of CTM Vorspiel:


Yves Netzhammer:

Yves Netzhammer, born in 1970, studied Art at the Zurich College of Art and Design. Since 1997, he has been working on a widely ramified, poetic cosmos of imagery. His video installations, objects, slide shows and drawings fascinate through their bodily charisma and their formal clarity. The playful recombination of elements which seemingly can not be combined leads to the threshold of our existence’s dark side: soothing aspects interlock with displeasing ones, the dead melts with the alive into creatures never seen before, and the depicted scenarios run from microscopic to giant scales.

Solo exhibitions include LWL, Münster (2016), Kiev Biennale, Kiev (2015), MONA, Tasmania (2013), Minsheng Art Museum Shanghai (2013), Kunstmuseum Luzern (2011), Kunstmuseum Bern (2010), Palazzo Strozzi (2009), SFMOMA, San Francisco (2008), Venice Biennale (2007), Karlskirche Kassel (supporting program documenta 12, 2007), Museum Rietberg, Zürich (2006), Kunsthalle Bremen (2005) and Helmhaus Zürich (2003). Group exhibitions include Liverpool Biennale (2010), Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg (2007), Witte de With and TENT, Rotterdam (2006), Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg (2006) and National Gallery Prague (2005). Yves Netzhammer lives and works in Zurich.


Bernd Schurer:

Bernd Schurer’s transdisciplinary artistic focus lies on the work with sound in a broad spectrum of different contexts: a constant shift via research and experimentation, strongly investigating the experiential relationship between sound, science, cognition, space and the (human) body. There is a strong fascination in the study of the perception of sound itself, and there are numerous artistic projects in domains like Algorithmic Computational Art, Psychoacoustics, Electronic Music Composition, Sonification and Audio-Visual Representation Systems. Presentations may come in the form of Computer Music Diffusion to installation work to abstract Sound Art. Some of it has been exhibited internationally on various scales, from micro galleries to public space, from “art at home” to the Venice Art Biennial. Since 1996 he was a co-editor and curator for electronic music works for the domizil.ch label in Zürich, together with Marcus Maeder. He also is active in the domains of sound design and composition for Film and through various curatorial projects. He has been working with Yves Netzhammer on a multitude of projects since almost 15 years.

Bernd Schurer (born 1970 in Zurich, lives in Berlin) studied Philosophy and Film Science at the University of Zurich and Visual Art at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts as well as Electroacoustic Composition and Theory at the Zürich University of the Arts.

www.heterophenomenological.net | www.hyperlinear.net

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Posted: January 23rd, 2017
Categories: event, release, show
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[release] BLIND MATERIAL | CD edition – domizil 44

Schurer Blind Material

Blind Material (obfuscation) 2:15 Fuzzy Arc 1 8:42 Complicity with Contingency 6:14 Soliloquy Synthesis 32:08 Befall 2:49 Fuzzy Arc 2 10:31

A reconfiguration of electronic sound-pieces composed in 2008 by Bernd Schurer.

Scatter resynthesis algorithm by Alberto de Campo. Reconfiguration algorithm based on H.A.R.I.N.G. classes for SuperCollider by Darien Brito.

Direct to disk re-recordings.

Published 2016 by domizil.




Posted: December 15th, 2016
Categories: code, computer music, release
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[event] 20 years domizil – electronic music concerts – Neukom | Schurer | Steinbrüchel | Tietchens | Maeder | Peter | Archetti | Jedan Nula | Sudden Infant – Kunstraum Walcheturm – Zürich




20 years domizil

A celebration of the Swiss computer music label domizil & friends – with electronic music concerts, diffusions and a new CD edition.

Line Up:


Asmus Tietchens (DE)
Luigi Archetti (CH)
Bernd Schurer (DE)
Jedan Nula (CH)
Martin Neukom (CH)
Ralph Steinbrüchel (CH)
Thomas Peter (CH)

Special guest: Joke Lanz / Sudden Infant (CH/DE)

Installation: Devotionalie, Marcus Maeder, 1996/2016

Daniel Bisig: Watchers

Date: Sat, 17.12.2016

Venue: Kunstraum Walcheturm
8004 Zürich

Doors: 19:00
Start: 19:30 *
Tickets (at the door): 20.-CHF

*we start early, so please come on time. Last concert will be 23:30.


Posted: December 12th, 2016
Categories: computer music, event
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